Types of Resume

Shankar Srinivasan

Resume is your gateway to land a job. You should take at most care when writing your resume. People write their resume in different types based on their need and career history. Resume can be classified as

1. Experience based or Chronological Resume
2. Skill based or functional Resume
3. Academic resume
4. Portfolio based resume
5. Job based or Targeted Resume

Experience based or Chronological resume:

Recruiters in industry prefer these resume and are also commonly used by jobseekers. In this type of resume, people list career details in a chronological order, starting with your latest job down to the first job or experience.

Skill based or functional resume:

Unlike Experience based resume, these resume focus on your skills first. In this type of resume, the employment history is not emphasized, but rather the focus in on the key skills and how it has been effectively used. This type of resume is preferred for skill-based jobs like say earth moving equipment operators or electricians.

Academic resume:

An academic resume highlights and emphasizes on Qualification, papers presented, Journals and publications published in, awards and accolades, achievements before employment details. Though institutions worked in may be a factor, one’s individual knowledge and its recognition in peer circles adds more weightage to candidature in academia & hence a different way of presenting resume.

Portfolio based resume:

Professionals, especially artists prefer to present a resume that highlights their portfolios. After-all, nothing speaks more than one’s work. In a portfolio resume, people present direct links to their work such as photos, videos, sketches and creative works to display their knowledge and skill. Web designers, graphic designers, musicians, dancers, actors and other artists use this type of resume.

Job based or Targeted Resume:

Though it is very tough to prepare a resume for every vacancy you are planning to apply, a targeted resume fetches the best result. Targeted resume highlights and points to qualification, training and experience that is most required for the position applied for. This helps recruiters immensely in shortlisting your profile if it matches their requirements. But it takes time to prepare and maintain one for every job one applies.