Jobs will Search you!

Shankar Srinivasan

Posted on 12/15/2010

With the internet technology advancing, you no longer have to do the Job hunt. In fact the Job will hunt for you! Yes you got it right. Today you can have all the Jobs to want to know about reach you.

Jobs by Email. Let the jobs come to you. Use job search agents to sign up and receive job listings by email. All the major job sites have search agents and some web sites specialize in sending announcements.

Jobs through RSS feeds. Subscribe to Job feeds from Employers to would like to work with. This will help you get the latest jobs on your browser rather than visiting each site.

Social Networking: I am sure you are a member of some Social networking site online. Subscribe to Job alerts from companies in your Social Network & you will start receiving their Job openings in your page.

Alert facility: Use web alert facility like twitter in which you can follow the job openings of employers and view all their postings in your account.

Bookmarking: Bookmark the Career pages of your Potential employer and check them up every time you want to for latest jobs either on your browser or on an online bookmarking service.

Search Engine: Once you get the perfect search result, save the search rules which most search engines offer. You can execute the search any time you want for the latest job offers.

Job aggregators: Do you want to check the right job openings for you from many Job sites and career pages of employers, use Job aggregators like indeed and simplyhired. They collect jobs from various job sites and career pages and display them in a single page for you.

With the advancement of technology, you will soon find more and more cool Job search tools coming up. All you have to do is ensure you are upto date on the various new services coming up.